Rundown 7.0: Rise

Rundown 7.0: Rise is the seventh major update for a video game. It was released on June 16, 2022 and includes 10 new expeditions with Tiers A, B, C, D, and E. The update introduces various new features such as a Training Expedition, new weapons like PDW, High Caliber Pistol, Precision Rifle, and HEL Shotgun, new environments like Gardens, new enemies like Snatcher and Immortal, and objective items like Collection Case, GLP-2 Canister, Memory Stick, and Biotracker Symbiosis. The update also includes an updated music system. The Training expedition has 1 tier with the objective of completing the training operation.

When was Rundown 7.0 released?

Rundown 7.0 was released on June 16, 2022.

How many expeditions are there in Rundown 7.0?

There are 10 expeditions in Rundown 7.0.

What are the tiers in Rundown 7.0?

The tiers in Rundown 7.0 are ABCDE.

What were the new features added in Rundown 7.0?

The new features added in Rundown 7.0 include a Training Expedition, PDW weapon, Gardens environment, Snatcher enemy, Collection Case objective item, Thermal scope, High Caliber Pistol weapon, Immortal enemy, Precision Rifle weapon, GLP-2 Canister objective item, Updated music system, Memory Stick objective item, Biotracker Symbiosis weapon, and HEL Shotgun weapon.

Where can I find the logs for Rundown 7.0?

The logs for Rundown 7.0 can be found in Rundown 7.0 Logs.

How many tiers are there in the Training expedition?

There is 1 tier in the Training expedition, and the objective is to complete the training operation.