Parasitidae Garganta - GTFO Lore
Learn about the parasitic outbreak known as Parasitidae Garganta in the lore of the game GTFO, its discovery, spread, and impact within and outside Garganta.
What is Parasitidae Garganta?
Parasitidae Garganta, also known as Parasitidae Hammerstein or simply the parasite, is a parasitic outbreak that began in Garganta. It is the primary antagonist in GTFO and is responsible for the sleepers and other environmental hazards encountered throughout The Complex.
When and how was the parasite discovered?
The circumstances and dates surrounding the discovery of the parasite are unknown, but it likely occurred at a similar time and circumstance as the discovery of NAM-V. The earliest mention of the parasite in the logs from Garganta was regarding the set up of triage centers for infected staff on February 13, 2053, by which point it was assumed that the parasite and virus had already begun their rapid spread.
How did the parasite spread within Garganta?
The spread of the parasite within Garganta is greatly connected with the spread of NAM-V, and as the virus and parasite work in symbiosis, the spread of one likely contributes to the spread of the other.
How far was the parasite able to spread outside of Garganta?
Unlike NAM-V, which spread globally, it is not known how far the parasite was able to spread outside of Garganta. In April 2057, The Daylight Mission shared stories that the Cuban military said they had engaged with 'Chichiricu' — a coordinated and highly-aggressive creature whose corpses 'disappear before they can be recovered,' similar to that of the sleepers. It is not known if this creature is a recent mutation of local fauna or sleepers having escaped Garganta. No other encounters with sleepers are described outside of Garganta.