Nightmare Striker Enemy Information
Information about the Nightmare Striker enemy in Rundown 8.0
What is the name of the enemy?
Nightmare Striker
What is the damage percentage for the Nightmare Striker's tongue and punch attacks?
8% Tongue / 16% Punch
What is the speed of the Nightmare Striker?
Average, on the slower side
What is the threat level of the Nightmare Striker?
What are the weak points of the Nightmare Striker?
Back (2x), Tumor (2x)
What is the health of the Nightmare Striker?
How often does the Nightmare Striker occur?
What are the aliases of the Nightmare Striker?
Berserk Striker, Squiggly Striker
What is the stagger hp of the Nightmare Striker?
What is the appearance of the Nightmare Striker?
Nightmare Strikers have an appearance similar to regular Chargers, but with flyer tentacles sprouting from their upper body.
Where is the Nightmare Striker currently exclusive to?
Levels within Rundown 8.0
What is the behavior of the Nightmare Striker?
Its behavior is a mix of regular Strikers and Chargers. Unlike Chargers, they'll occasionally choose to strafe around, however unlike Strikers they will also attempt to rush and punch the player while their tongue attack is on cooldown.
What are the strategies for dealing with Nightmare Strikers?
Nightmare Strikers have relatively high HP, and their weakpoint is incredibly difficult to hit, making them pose a large threat. Their weakpoint is the small tumor located on the upper-front of their body. Given this weakpoint's location it is effectively impossible to stack both the weakpoint and back multipliers.