Malatack HXC Heavy Assault Rifle - Information and Stats

The Malatack HXC Heavy Assault Rifle is a fully automatic assault rifle that fills the special weapon slot. Originally released as a rundown specific main weapon in Rundown 004, it features high ammo reserves and good range. Although it has a slightly lower firerate compared to most other fully automatic weapons, it compensates for it with its damage per bullet and accuracy. In Rundown 6.0, it was converted into a special weapon.

What is the weapon type of the Malatack HXC?

The Malatack HXC is classified as a special weapon.

What is the magazine size of the Heavy Assault Rifle?

The magazine size of the Heavy Assault Rifle is 30 bullets.

What is the damage per bullet of the Malatack HXC?

The Malatack HXC deals 5.01 damage per bullet.

What is the rate of fire of the Malatack HXC?

The Malatack HXC has a rate of fire of 631.579 rounds per minute.

How long does it take to reload the Heavy Assault Rifle?

The Heavy Assault Rifle has a reload time of 2.3 seconds.