Charger Scout
The Charger Scout is an enemy variant of the Charger and the Scout. It has armored heads and patrols at a faster speed than the average Scout. When alerted, it spawns a horde of enemies and rushes players to punch them. Read on for strategies on how to deal with the Charger Scout.
What is the Charger Scout?
The Charger Scout is an enemy variant of the Charger and the Scout. It has armored heads and patrols at a faster speed than the average Scout.
When did the Charger Scout debut?
The Charger Scout made its debut in Rundown 005 in the B tier Overload objective.
How does the Charger Scout behave?
The Charger Scout behaves similarly to a normal Scout, but moves more quickly. When alerted, it spawns a horde of enemies and rushes players to punch them.
What are the weak points of the Charger Scout?
The weak points of the Charger Scout are its back, which takes double damage.
How can I stealth kill a Charger Scout?
To stealth kill a Charger Scout, it takes two charged melee hits to the back before it alerts. Coordination with your team is necessary, and using the C-Foam Launcher can make this task less risky.
How can I loud kill a Charger Scout?
In some situations, it may be more desirable to shoot the Charger Scout rather than attempting a stealth kill. However, due to its high health and lack of a headshot multiplier, only weapons with high single shot damage or high DPS can kill it before it alerts.
What other strategies can be used to kill a Charger Scout?
Strategically placed mines from a Mine Deployer can be used as an alternative to shooting the Charger Scout. Additionally, a Bio Tracker can mark Charger Scouts with a red triangle, making them easier to keep track of.