ALT://R5B3 Unseal Expedition
ALT://R5B3 Unseal is an expedition in the game with the objective of taking the HISEC Cargo and leaving it next to Zone 47. Players will need to trigger an error alarm to open the Security Door to Zone 46 and face Charger enemies. They must retrieve the Fog Turbine in Zone 48 and collect the colored Key from either Zone 49 or 50. Using the Key, they can open the HISEC Cargo in Zone 47. The Bulkhead Key must be collected from Zone 51. There is an optional secondary objective involving a Terminal Command to release enemies. The expedition ends in Zone 52 where players must extract with the HISEC Cargo.
What is the main objective of the ALT://R5B3 expedition?
The main objective is to take the HISEC Cargo from the entry point and leave it next to Zone 47, opening the Security Door to Zone 46 and triggering an error alarm to spawn Charger enemies.
What is the optional secondary objective?
The optional secondary objective involves using the Bulkhead Key and Door Controller in Zone 51 to open the Bulkhead Door to Zone 388, and entering Zone 389 to input the command 'Release_Containment' into the terminal.
What resources are available in Zone 46?
Zone 46 has 80 ammo, 80 medipacks, 40 tool refills, and 0 disinfection packs.
What resources are available in Zone 50?
Zone 50 has 80 ammo, 80 medipacks, 20 tool refills, and 60 disinfection packs.