Fictional British town Suffordshireburg On The Sea
Suffordshireburg On The Sea is a fictional British town mentioned in Grand Theft Auto V. It is claimed to be the hometown of judge Hugh Harrison, who appears on the TV show Fame or Shame. However, it is later revealed that Harrison is actually an American pretending to be British. His page on hints that he is from somewhere in the Mid-Western United States.
What is Suffordshireburg On The Sea?
Suffordshireburg On The Sea is a fictional British town mentioned in Grand Theft Auto V.
Who claims to be from Suffordshireburg On The Sea?
Hugh Harrison, a judge on Fame or Shame, claims to be from Suffordshireburg On The Sea.
Where is Hugh Harrison actually from?
Hugh Harrison's page on hints that he is from somewhere in the Mid-Western United States.