Police Rancher
The Police Rancher is a police variant of the Rancher XL used by the North Yankton State Patrol. It does not have any unique features or abilities, and can sometimes be found parked outside police stations in North Yankton. Players can also obtain the Police Rancher through cheat codes or mods in the game.
What is the Police Rancher?
The Police Rancher is a police variant of the Rancher XL used by the North Yankton State Patrol.
Does the Police Rancher have any unique features?
No, the Police Rancher does not have any unique features or abilities.
Where can I find the Police Rancher?
The Police Rancher can sometimes be found parked outside police stations in North Yankton.
How can I obtain the Police Rancher?
The Police Rancher can be obtained by using cheat codes or mods in the game.