Kittens - Drama Play Produced by Liberty City Amateur Dramatic Society
Kittens is a drama play produced by the Liberty City Amateur Dramatic Society. It was released in 1998 in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. The play features a poster that is advertised above the King Knuts store in Bedford Point, Staunton Island, but the player cannot view the play in the game. The women in the poster are two prostitutes from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Who produced Kittens?
Kittens was produced by Liberty City Amateur Dramatic Society.
When was Kittens released?
Kittens was released in 1998 in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.
Where can I see the play Kittens in the game?
A poster for Kittens is advertised above the King Knuts store in Bedford Point, Staunton Island.
Can the player view the play Kittens in the game?
No, the player cannot view the play Kittens in the game.
Who are the women in the poster of the play Kittens?
The women in the poster of the play Kittens are two prostitutes from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.